
Honey Tomato Soup

May 1, 2013
Thumbnail image for Honey Tomato Soup

Listen to this conversation I overheard in the kitchen between my hubby and our daughter while I took the pictures for this post: D: I am hungry, dad. What’s for lunch? H: As soon as mom is done you can eat the photo shoot. LOVING IT!! This is not an unusual scenario at my house, […]

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Ricotta Gnocchi with browned Thyme Butter

July 31, 2012

This ricotta gnocchi with browned thyme butter dish has been in my recipe archive forever. I mean for years. I have also read about them in several German food blogs and everybody raved about the outcome. I knew these ricotta gnocchi would be a winner, but really wasn’t expecting; pillow-like clouds!! My son told me […]

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Peach Tart with Thyme Sugar

July 28, 2012

Peaches can be found in abundance at almost every farmers market in Colorado at the moment. I bought plenty last week and still have lots in my fridge. This peach tart with thyme sugar was the dessert of this weekend. After spending almost all week rushing from one doctor’s appointment to the next it was […]

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Organic Yellow Split Pea Soup with Bacon

February 22, 2012

  Here is my twist on a traditional pea soup the way I remember my German aunt preparing it. She served pea soup with some rustic bread and a Frankfurter sausage. My variation substitutes bacon for the sausage and uses the sweeter yellow split peas. I also added lots of veggies including leek, carrots, onions […]

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Dijon Mustard Chicken with Green Garlic

May 14, 2011

Thanks to my local blogger friend Toni, the Boulder Locavore, I still had lots of green garlic left after preparing an unbelievably tasty green garlic risotto the other day. On a recent trip to visit Toni in Boulder, she had given me two big bundles of young garlic that she had purchased at a local […]

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Parmesan Thyme Sables

March 4, 2011

  Last Saturday was our Front Range Food Bloggers second official get together. What a fun group of food interested Ladies we are. I thoroughly enjoy it, since I feel that they understand my passion for blogging, new recipes and food photography so well. And isn’t it always the most fun to share your enthusiasm […]

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