
Best Brownies EVER!

May 18, 2014
Thumbnail image for Best Brownies EVER!

  Did you know that there are three types of brownies? The fudgy, the chewy, and the cakey? I am not a brownie expert and didn’t even grow up eating them, but became a huge fan very quickly after moving to the US. Mine have to be gooey or chewy, with a crunch, and very chocolaty […]

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Homemade Mustard Mayo

April 21, 2014
Thumbnail image for Homemade Mustard Mayo

  If you have ever made your own homemade mustard mayo you probably never went back to any store bought. If you have never made your own mayonnaise, well, today is the day to experience a much tastier and healthier choice than you could ever find on any supermarket shelf.  In my house, we fell in […]

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Mousse au Chocolat

December 30, 2013
Thumbnail image for Mousse au Chocolat

Over the Holidays my daughter asked me to  make mousse au chocolat for dessert. This is one of my kids all time favorite chocolaty treat. This specific recipe was given to me by my friend Vroni while we were roommates over 20 years ago in Germany. At the time she was attending law school in […]

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Quiche Lorraine

August 25, 2013
Thumbnail image for Quiche Lorraine

Quiche Lorraine for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Oh, yes, anytime of the day is fine with me! I have been preparing this Quiche Lorraine for years even before we moved to the US. It is an all time favorite not just with my family, but also with my guests. Just ask my friend Lesley, she […]

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Lemon Bars with Shortbread Crust

July 29, 2013
Thumbnail image for Lemon Bars with Shortbread Crust

Last week I spend a few days at my friend’s house in Point Loma, San Diego. What a beautiful place to live at. We did some sailing and sightseeing, visited friends at their beach house in Del Mar and went out to eat at the fish market twice (LOVED IT!!). I also made some new […]

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Fresh Kale Mayo on Coleslaw

July 13, 2013
Thumbnail image for Fresh Kale Mayo on Coleslaw

Organic baby kale is not only one of our adopted guinea pig’s favorite snacks, my family likes this healthy super food a lot too.  Did you know that kale delivers your body with one of the highest doses of Vitamin K, A, and E? I often mix kale in salads or prepare a kale frittata, […]

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April 21, 2013
Thumbnail image for Kaiserschmarrn

Kaiserschmarrn is a true staple in the Viennese cuisine. Literally translated it means emperor’s nonsense, but looking at the dish you can probably easily see that we are talking about shredded pancakes. Kaiserschmarrn originated in the kitchens of the poor and is a dish that often uses up left overs pancakes. It contains rum soaked raisins […]

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Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins

January 6, 2013
Thumbnail image for Cinnamon Sugar Donut Muffins

    We don’t do diets or crazy New Year’s resolutions we can’t hold at our house. Why torture yourself? I believe very strongly that if you eat a well balanced diet and live a healthy lifestyle none of this is necessary. That’s why we are able to indulge here and then. Yesterday I baked […]

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Vanillekipferl – Happy 4th of Advent

December 23, 2012
Thumbnail image for Vanillekipferl – Happy 4th of Advent

  Vanillekipferl are the only treat that can’t ever be missed on our Christmas cookie tray. They are known as one of the most popular Christmas cookies in Germany.  Vanillekipferl are always crescent moon shaped and baked with ground almonds. I roast the almonds before grinding to intensify the flavor. After baking, the cookies are […]

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December 16, 2012

  Today is already the 3rd Advent and I am finally starting my Christmas baking. First up, Spritzgebäck, a very traditional German Christmas cookie. The dough gets shaped by pushing it through a cookie press, creating a cookie that is very fragile and buttery, with a tasty hint of lemon and vanilla. Hope you are […]

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