
Honey Buttermilk Whole Wheat Bread

May 10, 2015

Beginning of the year my in-laws gave me their bread baking machine. It has been sitting in their pantry for many years. Thank you so much again Janie and Mike! I was so happy! We used to have the same machine when we were still living in Germany, but it broke and we never replaced it. […]

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Chocolate Zucchini Bread with Coconut Oil

July 16, 2014
Thumbnail image for Chocolate Zucchini Bread with Coconut Oil

A cooler and rainy  summer day always calls for some baking. Today my decision fell on this easy to prepare zucchini bread with big chocolate chunks. I really like the addition of the coconut oil which turns this delicious moist bread into a somehow healthier treat. You can bake this zucchini bread in a bigger Bundt pan […]

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Homemade Vanilla Almond Milk

April 2, 2014
Thumbnail image for Homemade Vanilla Almond Milk

  Yesterday I made homemade vanilla almond milk for the very first time. Goodbye, you store bought almond milk, this is the ultimate! I found a new food love. I wish I had known a long time ago how easy it is to make your own almond milk from scratch. I got interested in searching […]

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Spinach Kiwi Chia Smoothie & the movie “Super Shrink Me”

January 26, 2014
Thumbnail image for Spinach Kiwi Chia Smoothie & the movie “Super Shrink Me”

  I am not a fan of eating out at fast food restaurants. I’d rather prepare my family’s meals from scratch because I like to know where the food we eat comes from and how the meal was prepared. That also includes breakfast. I get up every morning and make sure my kids don’t leave […]

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Spiced Pumpkin Bread with Walnuts

November 3, 2013
Thumbnail image for Spiced Pumpkin Bread with Walnuts

To me fall is the time of the year where a good pumpkin bread needs to be baked. Looking for a new recipe I stumbled over this spiced pumpkin bread with walnuts featured at Cooking Light. The spice mixture of allspice, nutmeg and cinnamon turn this simple bread into something special. It is super easy […]

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Mango Breakfast Smoothie

September 9, 2013
Thumbnail image for Mango Breakfast Smoothie

This morning after walking my dogs I felt like eating something fresh and a mango breakfast smoothie sounded just right. It is still summer weather here in Colorado and it warms up very quickly in the mornings. I try to leave  early with my two boys, but even by 8.00 am the heat has already […]

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Kaiserrolls with Poppy Seeds – Mohnbrötchen

May 6, 2013
Thumbnail image for Kaiserrolls with Poppy Seeds – Mohnbrötchen

Hamburgers were on the menu the other night and I wanted to bake my own hamburger buns this time. To me the store bought ones always look pretty sad. These Kaiserrolls with poppy seeds were very easy to prepare. I got the inspiration from Linda, That Skinny Chick can bake. Mine are not as pretty […]

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Potatoes with Mexican Chorizo & Muy Bueno Cookbook Giveaway

April 7, 2013
Thumbnail image for Potatoes with Mexican Chorizo & Muy Bueno Cookbook Giveaway

If you like Mexican food you are in for a treat today. I have one copy of the cookbook Muy Bueno to give away to one lucky blog reader. Muy Bueno is the recipe collection and collaborate work of my Denver blogger friend Yvette Marquez-Sharpnack, her sister Veronica Gonzalez-Smith, and their mother Evangelina Soza. All three […]

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Nutella Buns (Rolls) with Pecans and Cinnamon

January 27, 2013
Thumbnail image for Nutella Buns (Rolls) with Pecans and Cinnamon

  Recipes I like is the name of one of my boards on Pinterest. This board is my collection of tasty recipes I am planning to try sooner or later. Nutella buns (rolls) with pecans and cinnamon, originally shared by Saveur magazine, have been saved there for a while and were up to be baked […]

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Kale Frittata – A Healthy Breakfast Casserole

October 14, 2012
Thumbnail image for Kale Frittata – A Healthy Breakfast Casserole

  I finally found the perfect source to purchase eggs, lucky me! A local friend of my daughter’s riding instructor has lots of chickens and way too many eggs for her and her husband to eat all by themselves. Their chickens are spoiled with an insulated chicken house and heating lamps, so they stay cozy […]

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